Tuesday 21 April 2009

barcelona loves you!!

proof that i do in fact, still exist and am infact, back in spain (hello wood panelling)...

yeah yeah yeahs tee, topshop dress, primark tights, mother's vintage belt.

also proof that my mother finally caved and gave me this tan belt that she has had since she was my age and that i have always adored!!:] which is pretty much my entire reason for posting this entire outfit again. though i'll try to get a better picture of it during the week.

apologies for the slow and stop blogging of late...things have been pretty hectic. an illustration of this lies in the fact that i got back last wednesday and have yet to unpack my suitcase!!

i will upload some ireland photos and give detail on "that which i have been holding you in suspense over" ASAP!! and fill you in on life stories etc.

for now...a list of reasons why today was awesome:
-today was one euro pizza day!! (i know!!)
-tomorrow is FREE ICE CREAM DAY!! (ben and jerrys!!...i'm not really a big icecream fan but i do love ben and jerrys.)
-my friend cat and i booked flights to BARCELONA in may!!...for TWO EURO EACH!!

hope your day was equally fantastic.



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